Every six months we must go visit the dentist. Everyone has heard this standard advice, but might those of us who tend to neglect our teeth by eating sugary foods and skipping the floss need to go more often? Actually, dental visits are not one size fits all. The American Dental Association recommends tailoring your individual plan with your dentist.

Regardless of whether you are on top of your oral care or only find time to brush once a day (or less), regular dentist visits are important. What differs is the degree of regularity necessary.

Quincy High Care Dentistry put together this guide to educate you on the importance of regular checkups.

My Teeth are Great, Why Visit?

While good home oral health care is very important to maintain a healthy mouth, it is not enough by itself. Dental checkups will find and resolve problems that you can’t feel, such as cavities, gum disease, or oral cancer. Regular dental visits allow dentists to catch these problems in the early stages, when preventative action can be taken.

Every Six Months for the Rest of my Life? 

While six months is a good benchmark, it may be necessary to visit less or more. After a few years of check-ups with great oral health your dentist may decide that you can decrease the frequency of your visits due to low risk. On the other hand, if you have certain high-risk factors for cavities and gum disease, you should see your dentist closer to every 3 or 4 months.

This group includes: smokers, pregnant women, people with gum disease, and people with a propensity to get cavities.

What’s Included in a Check-Up

Your dentist visit may seem like just a thorough cleaning, but there is a lot more going on. During your visit, your dentist with be thoroughly examining your mouth. They will look for any signs of gum disease, oral cancer, and even vitamin deficiencies. The dentist will also take care of any plaque and tartar on your teeth and polish them so your smile shines.

Dentists check for tooth decay and examine your bite. X-Rays will identify problems beneath the gum line or in the jaw such as impacted teeth or cysts.

Call Quincy High Care Dentistry Today

Patients who wait years to visit the dentist end up needing costly emergency procedures that could have been avoided. The Quincy High Care Dentistry team is passionate about maintaining your oral health. Don’t wait another minute to visit the best dentist in Quincy. Call us today at 6174054524 and we’ll be glad to assist you and answer all your dental inquires. Check us online at: www.quincyhighcaredentistry.com