Frequently Asked Questions

Yes! Quincy High Care Dentistry always accepts new patients and can often schedule appointments on the same day. Your first visit will usually include an appointment with Dr. Shaban for a comprehensive exam and all necessary x-rays. You can speak with Dr. Shaban during this appointment about any specific trouble areas or concerns. Emergency visits are seen on the same day.

New patients should arrive with identification, insurance card if applicable, new patient forms, and anything that may be relevant including health history or medication list.

Yes, we do our best to schedule same-day emergency appointments or at the earliest possible time. Learn more about our emergency service.

Quincy High Care Dentistry accepts most insurance plans including MassHealth. Some limitations may apply. Contact us to learn more.

Quincy High Care Dentistry is open on some Saturdays from 9 AM to 3 PM. Our office is closed on Sundays.

If you’re experiencing a dental emergency on the weekends, call our answering service for more information: 617-405-4524

Quincy High Care Dentistry offers cleaning for $250 (originally $450) to all new patients which includes cleaning, x-ray, exam, and a complete treatment plan. Plus get an additional 20% discount on any additional dental services. After that, regular cleanings are recommended every six months.

We offer different payment options for patients without dental insurance.

Yes! We understand that not everyone has access to dental insurance, and we will work with you to help you get the necessary dental care to stay healthy. Contact us to discuss your options. You can also learn more about payment options and special offers

At Quincy High Care Dentistry, we have always implemented the highest level of infection control. We have met or exceeded all new requirements from the ADA and CDC including n95 masks and all necessary PPE. Learn more about our safety protocols.

Quincy High Care Dentistry works with patients from all over the Southshore region. This includes Quincy, Milton, Braintree, Weymouth, Hull, Randolph, Stoughton, Canton, Abington, Hingham, Hanover, Holbrook, Cohasset, Scituate, Norwell, Marshfield, and even Pembroke, Duxbury, Kingston, and Plymouth.

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